Recognize, celebrate and ‘stand in solidarity’ with persons with albinism

Recognize, celebrate and ‘stand in solidarity’ with persons with albinism

International Albinism Awareness Day is a time to “recognize, celebrate and stand in solidarity with persons with albinism around the world”, the United Nations urged on Thursday, taking place this year under the banner, “Still Standing Strong”.

Each 13 June, the world is reminded that people with albinism deserve to have their rights to life and security protected.

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Indian Coast Guard evacuates 50 persons at Okha, Gujarat in preventive measures of severe cyclone ‘Biprajoy’

Indian Coast Guard evacuates 50 persons at Okha, Gujarat in preventive measures of severe cyclone ‘Biprajoy’

KOHIMA, Jun 13 (NEPS): In a swift and well-coordinated move, Indian Coast Guard (ICG) evacuated 50 lives on 13 June, 2023 at Okha, Gujarat as a preventive measure of severe cyclone Biprajoy. The Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) had requested Indian Coast Guard (ICG) for evacuation of 50 crew from jack up rig ‘KEY SINGAPORE/01’ located 25 nm west of Okha, Gujarat on 12 June, 2023.… Read the rest

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