Put ‘pest’ animal species on the pill, don’t cull them, says scientist

Put ‘pest’ animal species on the pill, don’t cull them, says scientist

Humane alternatives to killing rampant creatures such as wild boar, deer and grey squirrels are being developed

Robin McKie

Conflicts between humans and wildlife are triggering growing numbers of disease outbreaks, road accidents and crop damage. And the problem is likely to get worse unless new, humane measures to curtail animal numbers are developed in the near future, say scientists.

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Multi-Purpose Building cum Office of Naga Hospital Colony Panchayat, Kohima dedicated

Multi-Purpose Building cum Office of Naga Hospital Colony Panchayat, Kohima dedicated

KOHIMA, Aug 19 (NEPS): Today marks the dedication of the Panchayat Multi-Purpose Building cum Office of the Naga Hospital Colony Panchayat at the Naga Hospital Colony in Kohima.

Chairman of the Naga Hospital Colony Panchayat, Kohima, Vizetuo Solo, opened the Multi-Purpose Building cum Office and proclaimed the day “red letter Day” for the residents of the Naga Hospital Colony.… Read the rest

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert

Water scarcity threatening agriculture faster than expected, warns Cop15 desertification president

Fiona Harvey Environment editor

The world is likely to face major disruption to food supplies well before temperatures rise by the 1.5C target, the president of the UN’s desertification conference has warned, as the impacts of the climate crisis combine with water scarcity and poor farming practices to threaten global agriculture.

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