UN humanitarian chief in Ukraine condemns ‘brutal and relentless’ pattern of port attacks

UN humanitarian chief in Ukraine condemns ‘brutal and relentless’ pattern of port attacks

A string of Russian attacks on port and grain facilities in Ukraine which began over a month ago, have intensified in recent days, drawing condemnation from the UN’s top humanitarian official there.

“There has been almost one attack every other day hitting vital port and grain facilities in Ukraine,” said Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Denise Brown, in a statement on Wednesday.

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Put ‘pest’ animal species on the pill, don’t cull them, says scientist

Put ‘pest’ animal species on the pill, don’t cull them, says scientist

Humane alternatives to killing rampant creatures such as wild boar, deer and grey squirrels are being developed

Robin McKie

Conflicts between humans and wildlife are triggering growing numbers of disease outbreaks, road accidents and crop damage. And the problem is likely to get worse unless new, humane measures to curtail animal numbers are developed in the near future, say scientists.

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