Biden ‘knew of Ukrainian plan to attack Nord Stream’ three months before explosion

Biden ‘knew of Ukrainian plan to attack Nord Stream’ three months before explosion

Washington Post reports that European intelligence service told CIA Ukrainian military was planning attack

Andrew Roth

The Biden administration received an intelligence report that Ukraine had a plan for an attack on the Nord Stream pipelines three months before an underwater explosion disabled the natural gas link from Russia to Germany, the Washington Post has reported.

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Election of Delfina Gómez as governor of Mexico state signals decline of PRI

Election of Delfina Gómez as governor of Mexico state signals decline of PRI

The PRI – once the overwhelmingly dominant party of Mexico in the 20th century – is now a weak and also-ran political force

Nina Lakhani in New York and María Teresa Montaño Delgado in Mexico City

Mexico’s oldest party has lost control of the country’s most populous and influential state, in an election result that could signal the end of a powerful network that has dominated politics in the region for almost a century.

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