Had the Art 371(A) been nullified by FA of 2015?
Z Lohe
The MIP of NSCN (IM) issued an official statement which was published in local papers dated 27.5.2015 claiming that the Framework Agreement (FA) between the GoI and the NSCN (IM) signed on 3rd August, 2015 had nullified the 16-Point Agreement of 1960 and all the past agreements.… Read the rest
The end game of NSCN (IM)
Khekiye K Sema IAS (Retd)
Fellow Nagas…isn’t it about time that we really wake to the diabolical events that are happening all around us? Can we not honestly read the writing on the wall staring back at us? The ethnic cleansing exercise in Manipur is but a small RSS experiment that will eventually usher in a colossal nationwide Hindutva tsunami in the years to come… in the like manner Hitler did to Germany…and it is bound to have a direct crippling impact on the future of the Naga Christian minority in various critical ways…with a final ultimatum…become a Hindu or else face the consequences!!!!!!!… Read the rest
We write the TV, radio and theatre shows you love. Do you want robots and AI doing that job?
Writers here in the UK are joining a global march to protest at worsening pay and conditions, and new threats to our livelihoods
Donald Trump’s arrest is ugly but it’s also democracy in action
Justice for the lawless Trump has been far too long in coming. But who knows whether he really will be held responsible in the long run
Amid the palm fronds and the red baseball caps, after a motorcade on a Florida highway and before a shameful fundraiser at a New Jersey golf resort, the moment finally arrived.… Read the rest