KOHIMA, JUn 10: The inaugural session of All India Federation of University & College Teacher’s Organizations (AIFUCTO) NEC Meeting-cum-National Seminar with the theme ‘NEP 2020: Envisioning Quality Higher Education’ was held at Kohima Science College, Jotsoma on 9 June 2023. It is organized by the AIFUCTO & All Nagaland Government College Teachers’ Association (ANGCTA) in collaboration with Kohima Science College Teachers’ Association (KSCTA).

President AIFUCTO, Prof. Kesab Bhattacharya in his address said that National Education Policy 2020, in spite of the demands of almost all democratic organizations that education system should be a combination of three E’s – equity, excellence and education for all, but instead 3 C’s – centralization, commercialization and communalization has been proposed, and which is the major reason why the Organization is opposing the NEP 2020.

Prof. Bhattacharya said that the education policy is well drafted and lucid, but when it is read between the lines this education will be a dangerous education policy. The NEP aims to achieve by 2035 Gross Enrolment Ratio of almost 50%, but for that he said it requires huge financial expenditure. The Government has proposed that expansion of education will be through PPP model, where in place of private it has been replaced by philanthropy. He questioned whether philanthropic organizations without considering their profit will invest money for expansion of education in the country, which will affect the downtrodden and may lead to ‘survival of the richest.’

Prof. Bhattacharya also questioned whether the government truly wants to achieve scientific temper, when Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Mendeleev Periodic Table is being removed from the syllabus. He also claimed that in the NEP 2020 document nothing is mentioned about gender equilibrium in education or women education. While raising concern on the multiple entry-exits, choice based credit system, which he said sounds good, but may also encourage and legalize dropouts in higher education so that only few can reach the top.


Pointing out the dangers if the policy is implemented in toto, he opposed the NEP 2020, and said that it is deeply flawed and stated that the most important immediate impact of NEP implementation will lead to closing down of government schools and sharp increase in dropouts in higher education from poor SC/ST background.

General Secretary, AIFUCTO, Prof. Arun Kumar giving the keynote address said that AIFUCTO is the only national platform of universities and college teachers across the country and is committed to democratic, secular, scientific and inclusive education system. Since its foundation in 1962, AIFUCTO is committed to the values of the Indian Constitution and recognizes the multicultural, multi-religious and multilingual identity of the nation. He said that the NEP came into effect on 20th July 2020 bypassing the views of state and stakeholders.

Prof. Kumar said that AIFUCTO opposes NEP 2020 as it is against the basic structure of the Constitution and its values rooted in the Indian freedom movement, denial of democratic debate and statutory path of parliamentary scrutiny and discussions, NEP 2020 is the only education policy since independence that has neither been subjected to public debate nor placed in Parliament or even scrutinized by the Departmental Parliamentary Committee on Education and that it was approved entirely through the internal process of Cabinet approval, he alleged that the public consultation was confined only to certain ideology groups. He further stated that the NEP 2020 poses a great challenge to the State funded time tested structure and it is against the federal structure of the Constitution, and added that there is an urgent necessity of redesigning NEP 2020 to start as a focal point of inclusion and quality education.


National Secretary, NE Zone, Prof. M. Lokendro Singh highlighted about the Teachers’ Movement in North East India. The inaugural session was chaired by President KSCJTA, Dr. Richard Dzüvichü and vote of thanks was delivered by General Secretary, ANGCTA, Dr. Yelhi Vero. (DIPR)

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