Opinions Archives - NEPS News https://nepsnews.in/category/opinions/ Independent Online News Wed, 12 Mar 2025 13:42:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://nepsnews.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-WhatsApp-Image-2023-06-09-at-13.03.36-1-32x32.jpeg Opinions Archives - NEPS News https://nepsnews.in/category/opinions/ 32 32 A Trump-Putin pact is emerging – and Europe is its target https://nepsnews.in/2025/03/12/a-trump-putin-pact-is-emerging-and-europe-is-its-target/ https://nepsnews.in/2025/03/12/a-trump-putin-pact-is-emerging-and-europe-is-its-target/#respond Wed, 12 Mar 2025 13:42:56 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4739 US betrayal of Ukraine is the rehearsal for a grander bargain with Moscow and an assault on continental solidarity

Rafael Behr

A prime time current affairs programme; a discussion about Donald Trump’s handling of the war in Ukraine. “He’s doing excellent things,” says a firebrand politician on the panel, before listing White House actions that have belittled Volodymyr Zelenskyy and weakened his battlefield position – military aid suspended; satellite communications obstructed; intelligence withheld.… Read the rest

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Investment drives growth. That’s why gloomy forecasters are so wrong about the budget https://nepsnews.in/2024/11/04/investment-drives-growth-thats-why-gloomy-forecasters-are-so-wrong-about-the-budget/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/11/04/investment-drives-growth-thats-why-gloomy-forecasters-are-so-wrong-about-the-budget/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2024 05:00:39 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4611 Will Hutton

The Office for Budget Responsibility’s extreme conservatism means it has woefully underestimated the impact of Labour’s public spending plans

here is a consensus among economists that a precondition for higher growth is higher levels of investment, and that one of the most certain ways of lifting investment levels is for the state to provide a lead.… Read the rest

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Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him https://nepsnews.in/2024/07/26/donald-trump-is-a-misogynistic-billionaire-felon-heres-why-americans-cant-stop-voting-for-him/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/07/26/donald-trump-is-a-misogynistic-billionaire-felon-heres-why-americans-cant-stop-voting-for-him/#respond Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:05:43 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4550 Stephen Reicher

Outsiders can’t fathom his success. But Trump’s supporters believe his gaffes and misdemeanours prove he’s ‘one of them’

There is no such thing as a universal leader. Leaders always represent a specific social group: a political party, a religion or a social movement.… Read the rest

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The law on single-sex spaces is a mess. It needs fixing, not political point-scoring https://nepsnews.in/2024/06/09/the-law-on-single-sex-spaces-is-a-mess-it-needs-fixing-not-political-point-scoring/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/06/09/the-law-on-single-sex-spaces-is-a-mess-it-needs-fixing-not-political-point-scoring/#respond Sun, 09 Jun 2024 11:21:32 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4496 Sonia Sodha

Labour’s reaction to Kemi Badenoch’s plan to define sex is not only a hapless fudge, it’s legally illiterate

friend of mine runs a residential writing retreat attended by women with experience of trauma and abuse. It is vital to those who take part that it is female only: past attenders have told her it enables them to talk about their experiences in a way they couldn’t if men were present.… Read the rest

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Civil War is a terrifying film, but Trump: The Sequel will be a real-life horror show https://nepsnews.in/2024/04/28/civil-war-is-a-terrifying-film-but-trump-the-sequel-will-be-a-real-life-horror-show/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/04/28/civil-war-is-a-terrifying-film-but-trump-the-sequel-will-be-a-real-life-horror-show/#respond Sun, 28 Apr 2024 05:25:47 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4350 If the former president regains the White House in November, America faces a more dystopian future than that being shown in cinemas

Simon Tisdall

irector, cast and critics all agree: Civil War, the movie depicting America tearing itself to bloody bits while a cowardly, authoritarian president skulks in the White House, is not about Donald Trump.… Read the rest

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In this shadow war between Iran and Israel, the outline of a different future is visible https://nepsnews.in/2024/04/20/in-this-shadow-war-between-iran-and-israel-the-outline-of-a-different-future-is-visible/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/04/20/in-this-shadow-war-between-iran-and-israel-the-outline-of-a-different-future-is-visible/#respond Sat, 20 Apr 2024 09:59:10 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4308 Both seem keen to limit hostilities, and key Arab states are ready to resist Tehran. But real change will require new Israeli leadership

Jonathan Freedland

hen it comes to the Middle East, it’s the pessimists who look smartest. Predict the worst and you’ll rarely be proved wrong.… Read the rest

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I feel for women misled over egg-freezing. If I’d believed doctors during my transition, my kids wouldn’t be here https://nepsnews.in/2024/03/16/i-feel-for-women-misled-over-egg-freezing-if-id-believed-doctors-during-my-transition-my-kids-wouldnt-be-here/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/03/16/i-feel-for-women-misled-over-egg-freezing-if-id-believed-doctors-during-my-transition-my-kids-wouldnt-be-here/#respond Sat, 16 Mar 2024 08:18:14 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4204 Freddy McConnell

We all deserve better from healthcare providers who sell false promise to some, while shutting down options for others

ou can’t have missed the conversations about the rise of freezing eggs for non-medical or “social” reasons in recent years, which forms part of an explosion in the use of fertility treatments, all with the promise of giving more options to prospective parents.… Read the rest

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The world is waging war on its children, in an obscene mockery of international law https://nepsnews.in/2024/02/11/the-world-is-waging-war-on-its-children-in-an-obscene-mockery-of-international-law/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/02/11/the-world-is-waging-war-on-its-children-in-an-obscene-mockery-of-international-law/#respond Sun, 11 Feb 2024 08:24:26 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4070 From Gaza to Ukraine, from Sudan to Myanmar, youngsters are being raped, abducted, maimed, killed and even recruited as soldiers

Simon Tisdall

Callous disregard for civilian lives and safety is a disturbing feature of modern armed conflict. From Ukraine and Gaza to Sudan and Myanmar, respect for the “laws of war” is being eroded or is non-existent.… Read the rest

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Bring the injured children of Gaza to British hospitals for treatment. We can and should help them https://nepsnews.in/2024/02/03/bring-the-injured-children-of-gaza-to-british-hospitals-for-treatment-we-can-and-should-help-them/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/02/03/bring-the-injured-children-of-gaza-to-british-hospitals-for-treatment-we-can-and-should-help-them/#respond Sat, 03 Feb 2024 17:06:23 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4050 From Malala Yousafzai to the children of Ukraine, the UK has a tradition of giving life-saving treatment. We must do so again

Arminka Helic

Every day in Gaza, more than 10 children lose one or both of their legs. The healthcare system meant to care for them is lying in rubble.… Read the rest

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Busting Exam Stress: Balancing Physical Health and Mental Well-being of Students https://nepsnews.in/2024/01/31/busting-exam-stress-balancing-physical-health-and-mental-well-being-of-students/ https://nepsnews.in/2024/01/31/busting-exam-stress-balancing-physical-health-and-mental-well-being-of-students/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 07:10:48 +0000 https://nepsnews.in/?p=4019 Dharmendra Pradhan

Students often face a formidable challenge to strike a delicate balance between achieving academic excellence and maintaining physical and mental health in a fiercely competitive environment. This balance becomes particularly vital during exam periods when students face academic pressure and performance anxiety, deeply impacting their mental healthand overall well-being.… Read the rest

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