A street food tour of Genoa

Genoa is a brilliant city to visit for cuisine – whether it’s at a beautiful restaurant or a street food outlet. Photograph: imagebroker/Alamy

Laura Coffey

From fluffy focaccia to creamy pànera, local Michelin-starred chef Ivano Ricchebono introduces our writer to a taste of the Italian port city

enoa-born chef Ivano Ricchebono looks like a Hollywood actor playing a chef in a movie. His restaurant The Cook is in a 14th-century palazzo in the old town, and as I step into the dining room I stop and stare – the entire place is covered with frescoes.

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I’ll level with you – I truly love Britain’s flat landscapes

Norfolk shouldn’t play down how flat it is, says our writer. Halvergate Marshes in the Broads pictured. Photograph: Loop Images/Alamy

Shingle beach, drained farmland or a bare plain under huge skies; flat spaces distort distance and make me want to run and yell

Noreen Masud

f you visit the flat fenlands of Cambridgeshire on a clear day, and walk along the ruler-lined channels and droves, you might – if you’re lucky – see a freight train pulling itself out of the horizon like a conjuror’s endless scarf.

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